Default Gnome Menu entries that define the task, but lack the app's name (e.g. Bug #105685)

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Mon Jun 11 05:09:12 UTC 2007

On Jun 9, 2007, at 9:50 PM, Conrad Knauer wrote:
> I was testing Gutsy Tribe 1 in VirtualBox and I was going to file a
> bug, but its already been described and rejected:
> ...
> ---
> Calling Totem simply "Movie Player" in the GNOME menus makes it more
> difficult to find for users who have several movie players installed.
> The word "Totem" should be added to make it transparent.
> ...

Unless Ubuntu is deliberately diverging from Gnome here (and I don't 
know why we would), the bug is valid. From
<>: "In the menu item name, include a 
description of functionality in addition to the proper name of the 
application. This is especially useful [to] novice users, and to users 
of systems where numerous applications are installed by default." It 
goes on to discuss a few exceptions, none of which apply to Totem.

> ...
> The counter-argument was that "It's coherent with some items like 
> "Text Editor""
> I suppose that could itself be countered with a suggestion that a
> simple "Text Editor" description is itself lacking;
> ...

gedit arguably falls into one of the exceptions: "Avoid technical 
jargon unless the application is to be used only by a technical 
audience". The name "gedit" is so bad that it probably would be more 
confusing than useful overall. I don't know why Totem is named after a 
spiritual guardian, but at least it's a recognizable word.

Matthew Paul Thomas
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