Updates post-release/freeze

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Mon Jul 30 16:29:48 UTC 2007

On Monday 30 July 2007 12:16, Tim Hull wrote:

> 2) For unsupported components, Universe (and multiverse) could be updated
> on a rolling basis after release.  This could be for mere feature updates -
> though they would still have to not require new versions of "main"
> components. Components in main could have unsupported updates in universe,
> though these would have to install alongside the main packages (firefox3,
> for instance, could be a Firefox 3 package).  A universe freeze could be
> maintained, though updates after the fact would merely go in
> "universe-updates" instead of "universe".  This would supplant the existing
> backports system, and would actually parallel what FreeBSD does with its
> "ports".

This all takes more resources.  In Universe and Backports both we do not have 
sufficient communicty involvement to support the current demand.  IMO any 
proposal for more $STUFF that isn't paid for should also have some thoughts 
about where the labor to do the work is going to come from.

Scott K

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