Which third party repository do you use?

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Sat Jan 6 23:27:21 UTC 2007

Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about providing nice descriptions for some widely used
> third party repositories:
> So if you add the apt line e.g. of Skype ("deb
> http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free") we could
> show a nice description in the software sources dialog instead of the
> very technical apt line.
> But since I only use the Ubuntu repositories I would need your help to
> collect some repositories. Please reply to this mail which repositories
> you use.

Others have already pointed out all the 3rd party repositories I've ever 
dealt with, so I thought I'd just throw out an idea here.

Since repositories are always going to change throughout any release 
cycle, you can never know all the repositories that are going to become 
common.  Even if it is not common, it would be nice to be able to create 
a description, thus my proposition:

If a repository is not found in the configuration file that you keep 
this description list in, a comment one line above the deb line in the 
sources.list is used.  When new repositories are added using the 
Software Sources dialog, it could prompt for this description, and add 
the comment along with the source line.  It may be necessary to precede 
with, and check for, a double hash, or something similar to ensure that 
the comment is not just another commented repository, but such 
functionality would allow the addition of any repository with an 
accompanying description.

I have not done any Python coding, so I don't know how difficult this 
would be to implement, but it seems like a flexible implementation.  The 
main issue I see with it is the same issue that people have with the way 
comments are used in the menu.lst.  Some people don't like that the 
comments are used as more than normal comments...  Thoughts?


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