Transition to Ubuntu specific Maintainer: fields

Scott Ritchie scott at
Mon Feb 19 22:40:10 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 14:32 +0100, Lut!n wrote:
> 2007/2/19, Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at>:
>         Hello Ubuntu developers,
>         a fair while ago, the Debian project collectively decided that
>         Ubuntu
>         source and binary packages should not carry Debian's
>         maintainers in
>         their Maintainer: field any more. Instead, we shall preserve
>         them in 
>         the Original-Maintainer: field and put an Ubuntu specific
>         contact into
>         Maintainer:. Please see the specification [1] for details.
>         With the recent dpkg upload [2], this now gets enforced. I. e.
>         dpkg-source (called from dpkg-buildpackage and debuild)
>         refuses to 
>         create a source package if the version number indicates Ubuntu
>         modifications, but the Maintainer address is not Ubuntuish.

Does this mean I need an email address?  I maintain a
universe package (Wine).

Scott Ritchie

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