New feature: easy codec installation, please test

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Sat Feb 3 00:09:54 UTC 2007

On 2/2/07, Andreas Schildbach <andreas at> wrote:

> > Feedback on that new feature is welcome, feel free to open bugs with the
> > "easy-codec-installation tag or to reply that mail
> Testing this with MP3 worked, although I had the option of two different
> packages dealing with MP3, which might confuse users.

Also when it says "Loading Games...", "Loading Accessories...", etc.
(e.g. see might
confuse newbies a bit :)

In addition, you might want to offer gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 as well
(it doesn't currently show up in Add/Remove Applications).

> However, clicking an ASF only opens Totem, but does not play the file
> nor try to install any codecs, nor present an error message. Again, this
> might confuse users (like me). I must say that I did not manage to play
> this file under Dapper, which is why I was hoping for the new
> auto-detection.

Does installing all the "bad" and "ugly" gstreamer plugins get it to
play? Can you run it with gxine? vlc? mplayer with w32codecs?

> Anyway, great feature! But it should be disabled for ordinary users.

Egads, no!  It just needs tweaking; Feisty isn't due out until April
and this is the exact sort of thing 'ordinary users' need to get MP3s,
etc. working right.  Its the 'power users' who don't need this and
will go and find the codecs in Synaptic on their own.


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