Fwd: Mono (Re: New Programs for Hardy?)

Milan nalimilan at club.fr
Wed Dec 12 22:11:05 UTC 2007

Kevin Fries wrote:
> I will even help you with one more I would like to see... Scribus.  My
> mother uses this along with Inkscape for her scrap-booking (definitely
> not a geeky endeavor), and with a few tweaks to the descriptions, could
> be a very popular addition.
I second that, but this adds a Qt dependency.

> But there are better places to trim than mono.  I personally would like
> to see more mono apps included by default to encourage Wintel developers
> to extend their product to the Linux desktop.  That would be a win for
> everybody but Microsoft, but that does not disappoint me so much.
I guess you've read paranoid scenarios like this one:
I'd rather hope that Mono stays an exception in the FLOSS world, only
using it for IT that want to convert Windows software or that develop
corporation-specific apps. Encouraging the use of Mono in GNOME and
default Desktops is IMHO very dangerous until we have got certitudes
about patents. Windows developers should better change their practices
and philosophy.

Though, I agree F-Spot is one of our killer apps, and that GThumb is not
as user-friendly as we may expect. May we hope it evolves? It may be
worth to care about it, since it has many nice features, and only lacks
a few (UI for the most part, and Conduit will come).


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