Fwd: Mono (Re: New Programs for Hardy?)

Adilson Oliveira adilson at canonical.com
Wed Dec 12 18:13:34 UTC 2007

Martin Owens escreveu:

> Users who want any of these applications can get them from the
> repositories; just because you like the applications doesn't make them
> good for inclusion by default. The argument seems to be that we should
> sacrifice 60MB of CD space for a handful of extra features. The space
> instead could be used to have many more user friendly features than
> just nice sticky notes and Flicker intergration.

Well, if I had to choose, I would vote for the removal and use this
space to include more language packs so people who does not use English
can have their languages installed without having to be connect to the
internet. Specially useful where internet access is not easy/cheap.



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