Hardy Alpha 1 released

Conrad Knauer atheoi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 17:25:35 UTC 2007

On Dec 3, 2007 7:34 AM, Ped <ped at 7gods.org> wrote:

> From forum post I learned the sagem modem *did* work in 5.xx ubuntu
> (probably 2.4 kernel with eagle-usb driver) right after install, but when I
> did install 6.10 first time on my PC, it took me 5 days to connect to
> internet finally. The reason is probably 2.6 kernel no more working with old
> eagle-usb (so far perfectly understandable), and while the 6.10 (7.04 and
> 7.10 too) does contain newer ueagle-usb driver, it's not functional!

FYI, Ubuntu has always used a 2.6 kernel; note


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