Ubuntu development...

Murat Gunes mgunes at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 24 19:15:25 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 18:54 +0100, Chris Warburton wrote:
> I'd try making a spec page on the Ubuntu wiki
> ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com ), something like
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OutOfBoxIpodSupport (I just made that up, it
> will be a blank page), along with an entry in Launchpad. Say exactly
> what your idea is and how it would be implemented, then work on as much
> of it as you can, pointing people to the page wherever sensible (like on
> this list, in the forums, etc.). Admittedly a spec often doesn't get
> much attention since there are so many, but doing what you can to
> implement and spread knowledge about it should get you somewhere.

Here's more information on how to write a spec and get (people) working
on it:



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