gvim menu icon is hidden

Sitsofe Wheeler sitsofe at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 12 19:36:54 UTC 2007

Over in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/3222 there is
a bug concerning gvim and it's hidden by default menu icon. I feel this
change is unnecessary because gvim is not installed by default and so
long as its desktop item is only installed when gvim is there is no
harm. Additionally, in the current state, upon installing gvim using
Add/Remove you will be told to look for a menu item that won't exist
(see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/7332788/post-gnome-vim-install.png
for a screenshot of this).

Given that the bug has been opened and closed several times I'm posting
here to see whether it is an issue that should be fixed.

Sitsofe | http://sucs.org/~sits/

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