CUPS 1.3.0-RC2 available for Ubuntu Gutsy now -- Please test!!

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at
Wed Aug 1 18:34:30 UTC 2007


I have packaged CUPS 1.3.0-RC2, as we talked about on last week's 
developer meeting.

You can download the binary packages from

and the source from

This is the new generation of CUPS, offering many new features (I hope I 
have activated all of them when compiling). See

Please try it out. We need all your testing experience to be able to 
ship a Gutsy with a stable and not obsolete CUPS system.

NOTE: This CUPS runs as root, as pitti did not adapt his non-root 
patches to it. All other patches from Debian and Ubuntu are applied and 
so this CUPS should work as the original one from Ubuntu.


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