Minutes of the Technical Board meeting, 2012-01-09

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 9 22:16:40 UTC 2012

Also available online:

Chair: Matt Zimmerman
Attendees: Kees Cook, Stephane Graber, Colin Watson, Soren Hansen, Martin Pitt
Guests: Pasi Lallinaho, Scott Kitterman, Jonathan Riddell, Micah Gersten, et al
Full log:

Action review:
 * pitti: document brainstorm review activity →  Done
 * kees: perform brainstorm review →  carried over

Xubuntu LTS application

   * Proposal:
   * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2012-January/001160.html
   * Approved by vote

ARB: Allow for files outside of /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/<source>/ as long as they are prefixed by "extras-<source>_".

   * Agreed

Kubuntu LTS application

   * Proposal: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/12.04/LTS-Proposal
   * Approved by vote

Edubuntu LTS Application

   * Proposal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/12.04/LTS-Proposal
   * Approved by vote, modulo further discussion of calibre, VNC, possibly

Next meeting:
 * Next on 2012-01-23
 * Chair: Soren Hansen

 - mdz

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