Xubuntu LTS plan proposal

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Mon Jan 9 11:42:36 UTC 2012

Hey all,

the Xubuntu team has put together an LTS plan proposal for the TB to 
review, and it is as follows:
  * 3-year LTS cycles
  * Milestone image testing i386/amd64 (including point release updates 
post release)
  * Best effort High/Critical bug fixes
  * Best effort security fixes for Xfce related packages

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (on not-so-technical 
issues) or micahg (Micah Gersten, CC'd) on the more technical issues. 
I'll try to arrange us both to attend the next meeting, if at all possible.


Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Project Lead

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Xubuntu and Shimmer Project       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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