Minutes of the DMB Meeting 2012-12-03

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 3 19:45:17 UTC 2012

It was a light day at today's Developer Membership Board meeting, as we had no
applications to process.

We'll have one more meeting in 2012.


== Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-12-03 ==

Chair: Barry Warsaw

Present: Stéphane Graber, Stefano Rivera, Barry Warsaw, Micah Gersten

=== Review of previous action items ===

 * micahg to document the zentyal packageset => Carried over
 * micahg to ask docs people if they want to apply for a packageset => Carried over

=== PerPackageUploader Applications ===


=== CoreDeveloper Applications ===


=== AOB ===

Next chair: Barry Warsaw

Next meeting: 2012-12-17 1400UTC
 * This will be the last meeting of 2012
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