Debian and Ubuntu now use the same patch tagging guidelines

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Nov 5 23:11:59 GMT 2009

Hello Ubuntu developers,

We have long had a policy for adding standard meta information to
patches that we apply to Ubuntu, to make it easier to track their
origin, upstream status, etc.

Debian now introduced a new policy proposal which has the same spirit,
but a slightly different format (mainly to stay compatible with
git-formatted patches):

After a discussion on ubuntu-devel[1], it now turns out that the
Debian proposal is stable enough to become widely adopted. Thus our
own policy for this [2] now by and large is just a pointer to DEP-3.

So it would be nice if from now on we could migrate to that new format
over time. This is of course neither urgent, nor bound to a particular

Thanks all,



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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