Patch Tagging Guidelines (aka DEP3) -- Adopting in Ubuntu?
Martin Pitt
martin.pitt at
Wed Sep 23 23:43:29 BST 2009
Hello all,
many of us have added metadata to Ubuntu package patches for a while
now, following
This was discussed a while ago with Debian, and now resulted in a
similar proposal for Debian (see below). Debian's proposal is not
vendor-specific (like our's), and also more flexible.
I'd like to update our PatchTaggingGuidelines to refer to the DEP3
now, and give some updated Ubuntu examples.
That doesn't mean that we need to do a rush and convert all our
patches to the new format, but whenever we create a new one, or work
on an existing one, we should update the meta information. (Keep in
mind that these are "guidelines", not "policy").
Does anyone have objections to that?
----- Forwarded message from Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at> -----
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 23:03:37 +0200
From: Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at>
To: debian-devel-announce at
Subject: Patch Tagging Guidelines (aka DEP3)
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after several rounds of discussion on -devel, we now have a
new standard defining meta-information to integrate on patches that we
distribute/apply in our packages:
I just changed the status of this Debian Enhancement Proposal to
CANDIDATE, that means that you are all encouraged to make use of it and
try it out for real. Hopefully, will gain
support of this format and will allow smarter browsing based on those
You are welcome to share your feedback about this format on -devel, if we
identify shortcomings or possible enhancements, we can still update
the proposal (but only after we had time to get some real feedback
based on actual usage of this format).
Feel free to update (Debian specific) tools that generate patches to
auto-generate a DEP3 header ready to be filled by the maintainer. Using
the format is a clear step forward towards more transparency on our local
changes, but it should not be difficul to use, thus some integration in
our tools is welcome.
Raphaël Hertzog
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Martin Pitt |
Ubuntu Developer ( | Debian Developer (
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