Launchpad offline: 01.00 - 03.00 UTC 29th May

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at
Wed May 28 17:21:18 BST 2008


Launchpad offline 01.00 - 03.00 UTC 29th May

Tomorrow will see the release of Launchpad 1.2.5! To roll-out the new
code the Launchpad sysadmins need to take it offline.

Going offline: 01.00 UTC 29th May 2008
Expected back: 03.00 UTC 29th May 2008

I'm sorry if this down-time prevents you from working. Although we've
allowed a couple of hours for the roll-out, it's likely Launchpad will
be back online before 03.00 UTC.

I'll post the 1.2.5 release announcement to the Launchpad news blog
tomorrow -


Matthew Revell - Launchpad and Bazaar rock!
Join us in #launchpad and #bzr on

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