Feature Freeze and Upstream Version Freeze This Week

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 13 13:46:50 BST 2007

Feature Freeze and Upstream Version Freeze both happen on Thursday.
By the team meeting, scheduled for 20:00 UTC, all gutsy targeted specs
should be either at Beta Available or Postponed.  Please make sure to
update the status of your specs.  You should check that packages you care
about are at the newest version (or otherwise as suitable for

Requests for freeze exceptions for main should be filed as bugs in
launchpad against the relevant package (or just "Ubuntu" if the
package is not available yet). Once the bug is filed and the necessary
information is available, subscribe the ubuntu-release team.

For universe, the motu-uvf will approve new packages (until Beta) and
upstream version freeze exceptions.

Please see this wiki page for full details



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