Dapper Development Status 16 February 2006

Jane Weideman janew at canonical.com
Fri Feb 17 10:09:46 GMT 2006

Please find attached the report from this week's Dapper Development
Status meeting, held yesterday.

The report is looking good this week :)

We now have 38 implemented goals. Which is 41% of our full goal total,
and 46% if the deferred goals are discounted.

I am expecting that we'll have a run on goal completion in the next week
or so as Feature Freeze approaches on 23 Feb 2006.

Please note that 6 goals are still in the RED, mostly due to *still* not
having approved specs. The culprits know who they are - please make sure
that these are sorted out this week. If they can not be completed, for
whatever reason, please consider whether they need to be deferred.

It has been noted that some people neatly side-stepped having to get
their specs completed and approved by simply implementing them (again
you know who you are). Please try not to do this unless there is a valid
and approved reason for doing so, as we need to spec documented for
reference purposes.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 23 February 2006 at 20:00


Please report any errors or omissions in this report to me, so that
I can correct them.


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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