Merge policy change

Scott James Remnant scott at
Tue Aug 29 21:50:19 BST 2006

In line with the recent change to the sync policy, Lucas Nussbaum
proposed the following change to the merge policy:

  The last changelog entry of a merged package should contain the list
  of Ubuntu changes remaining in the package. Something like:

xxxxx (vvv-1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * Merged with Debian. Changes are:
    + Modified build-dep on libfoo to build on edgy.
    + Added .desktop file.

It would help a lot when trying to understanding changes (no need
anymore to read 10+ changelog entries to understand the reason for a

This was a recommendation for the edgy merge process; by consensus of
the Ubuntu Technical Board, this has now been changed to a policy.

Future merges must include, in the changelog entry for the merge, a list
of the remaining Ubuntu changes.

Scott James Remnant
scott at
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