Jane Weideman
janew at hbd.com
Tue Nov 8 09:50:33 CST 2005
Erratum: Please note that the time for the week 4 meeting is actually
02:00 UTC (and not 04:00 as I previously stated).
Corrected below...
On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 19:14 -0500, Jane Weideman wrote:
> As discussed at UBZ we will be introducing weekly Dapper Development
> Status Meetings, starting next week, once the dust from UBZ settles.
> The purpose of these meetings is to provide a quick (prepared)
> run-though of the status of the goals you are working on. This is to
> ensure that all goals are on-track, and are not blocked or blocking
> anything else unnecessarily.
> The 3 main objectives of these meetings is to discuss:
> * The progress made on the goal since the last meeting.
> * The blocks and current risks/issues present - especially those you
> need help in solving.
> * The planned activity for the coming week.
> In order to make the most of the short time we have available for these
> meetings and make sure we get an update from everyone please be sure
> come to arrive prepared. You will need to make a few notes in advance.
> For each goal which you are assigned to please list the title of the
> goal and a brief summary (a line will do) of the 3 items.
> When it is your turn to discuss your goal you can them simply cut and
> paste your few lines into the channel. Thereafter minute or 2 will be
> given to discuss further as necessary.
> Due to the number of goals and team members we will need to progress
> through the goals rapidly and will not be able to take time to dwell on
> any particular issue for any length of time. Should more detail or
> discussion be required, this will be noted and it will be addressed
> off-line. (If appropriate a separate meeting may be scheduled for
> emergency or contentious issues).
> Please make the time to attend these meeting, but if for whatever reason
> you are unable to attend, please be sure to send your updates to me in
> e-mail format no later than 2 hours before the start of the meeting, so
> that I can represent the goal for you. If there are any complication
> with your goal please elaborate on it.
> In order to be fair these meetings will rotate on a 6 hour progression,
> i.e. 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 and 04:00 UTC, and will be held on a Thursday
> (or Wednesday or Friday depending on where you are so check carefully!).
> -----
> In summary:
> * What: Dapper Development Status Meetings.
> * When: Every week on a Thursday (relative to UTC), starting Thursday
> 17 November 2005.
> * Time: week 1 - 08:00 UTC (week 2 - 14:00 UTC, week 3 - 20:00 UTC,
> week 04 - 02:00 UTC)
> * Duration:1 hour
> * Who: Everyone who has Dapper specs assigned to them. Dapper Spec
> Allocations: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specstable
> Regards,
> --
> JaneW
> _____________
> Jane Weideman
> mobile: +27 83 779 7800
> Canonical Ltd.
Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.
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