Dapper Development Status 1 Dec 2005

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Fri Dec 2 12:02:36 GMT 2005

Hi all,

Please find attached this week's spreadsheet from the Dapper
Development Status meeting held yesterday. 

* If you were listed to have a follow-up meeting, please contact the
person/s concerned and arrange that this happen as soon as possible.
* Kindly check your Priorities, Statuses, Estimated Developer Days and
Expectation of Delivery in LP to ensure that they are correct and up to
* Note that the Expectation of Delivery and Estimated Developer
Days are now shown on the Report, as well as whether the goal is a
definite Dapper goal or not. Please check that these are listed
correctly - I do match these against the LP list each week...
* All specs not yet marked as Approved, have been flagged as behind
schedule, please try to get them through to Approved asap, to set them
back to green.
* Blocked goals have also been flagged as yellow, to indicate that they
have an issue.
* Please ensure that all outstanding MERGES are completed this week.

** REMINDER ** The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 8 December
at 02:00UTC. (i.e. during _Wednesday_ night for most people).

** NOTE ** There will be no weekly meeting on Thursday 29 December, due
to the festive season. Updates will be carried over to Thursday 5
January where we will list the progress of the preceding 2 weeks.

Please report any errors or omissions on this spreadsheet to me, so that
I can correct them.


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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