Application for ~ubuntu-desktop membership

Amin Bandali bandali at
Thu Nov 2 06:30:47 UTC 2023


I would like to be considered for membership in the ubuntu-desktop team.

I've been part of Canonical's Desktop team for about a year now, where
I've been the primary maintainer of Ubuntu's Firefox deb and snap
packages.  I became an Ubuntu Contributing Developer earlier this year
and have been helping out with some other aspects of Ubuntu Desktop as
well, namely helping with maintenance of various GNOME applications
and libraries in Ubuntu's desktop set in both Ubuntu and Debian as a
member of the Debian GNOME team, with uploads kindly sponsored by
jbicha and seb128.  Jeremy has entrusted me with upload rights for
several of these packages in Debian as a Debian Maintainer, and my
application for Debian Developer is also almost complete, pending
review and approval from Debian's Front Desk team.

I'd like to especially thank Jeremy and Seb for patiently reviewing
and answering my various questions and helping me learn so much, and
sponsoring uploads for me in the past year.  Being able to upload
ubuntu-desktop packages myself would hopefully help lessen the burden
of me regularly nagging these kind folks to sponsor my uploads, though
I'm sure I'd still ping them often with questions or for reviews. :-)

Thanks in advance for considering me.


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