GNOME Printer setup tool

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at
Fri Sep 15 19:28:21 UTC 2017

On 09/13/2017 11:01 PM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter at> wrote:
>> Some are important to not loose features when switching over, but the other
>> should at least be done before the 18.04 LTS for usability reasons. Here is
>> what I think is needed for the switchover to GNOME's tool:
> Till,
> Are you ok with the GNOME printer panel in gnome-control-center for 17.10?
> Should we drop system-config-printer from the ubuntu-desktop metapackage now?
> (gnome-control-center depends on system-config-printer-common)
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Bicha

Quick check shows the following issues:

1. One cannot easily see which is the default printer, one has to click 
the gear icon of each print queue and see whether "Default Printer" is 

2. The "Add ..." function to add a new printer does not only list the 
discovered printers but also every already set-up printer as an SMB 
printer. This does not make sense and is irritating, especially the user 
does not find the relevant printers then. Autodiscovered printers SMB 
printers from the local machine should be suppressed.

If you could fix these issues we can switch over, but with these issues 
present I would stay with system-config-printer.


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