Ubiquity Proposal - Add "minimal" setup with kernel parameter

Carl Richell carl at system76.com
Tue Jul 25 12:18:14 UTC 2017

Hey Matthew,

> That is not the case: Ubuntu has been using Gnome continuously since
> 2004, and when I designed the first iteration of Ubiquity in 2005 we
> referred to it explicitly as the “Gnome User Interface”.
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuExpress/GnomeUserInterface>

I probably didn't explain what I meant well. With what's changed since 
moving to Unity, and now coming back, particularly GNOME Initial Setup, 
Ubiquity does more than is necessary. That's only because we like GNOME 
Initial Setup and the out-of-box experience it provides to customers.

Our idea is a Ubiquity that only installs the operating system leaving 
user configuration to GNOME Initial Setup.


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