Nautilus 3.24 and dropping type-ahead search, adding tracker

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at
Thu Apr 20 14:11:52 UTC 2017

Hi, I'll let someone else handle more of the technical details here.

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 7:24 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at> wrote:
> - what's the difference in user experience with/without it

I believe it is possible to run GNOME Shell without tracker but here
are a few issues:

1. The Activities Overview support Search Providers which are perhaps
a bit like Unity Scopes. Without tracker, the nautilus search provider
won't work so you won't be able to search your files from the
Activities Overview.

2. Without tracker, GNOME Settings>Search>Gear button (to configure
Search Locations) won't do anything.

3. Several GNOME apps depend on tracker. If you don't have them in the
default install, many users will install at least one of them anyway.
Bijiben, Boxes, Documents, Games, Music, Photos

Jeremy Bicha

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