Remove gst0.10 this cycle?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Mar 10 08:10:21 UTC 2016

Martin Pitt [2016-03-10  7:17 +0100]:
> There are no auto-removals in Ubuntu, just some assisted manual
> procedure which is painfully slow and apparently not being done any
> more at all.

FWIW, I've been running this since this morning, and it's indeed a
thankless job. I run into dozens of packages which got removed in
Debian, but have one reverse dependency left in Ubuntu which nobody
updated in ages (like xfce4-volumed, artikulate → qtmobility, or

I think it's quite safe to say that anything which hasn't been ported
upstream to gst 1.0 is just simply dead, and just won't happen. So we
could be more aggressive and remove the rdepends too, but  the problem
is that at least from my POV as archive admin I don't know enough
about these leaf packages to say whether it's sufficiently ok to
remove them.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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