Remove gst0.10 this cycle?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Mar 10 06:17:29 UTC 2016

Bryan Quigley [2016-01-27 18:24 -0500]:
> wine1.6-amd64 - should just not try building with gstreamer -

Still outstanding.

> cutter-testing-framework - unsure of next step due to version numbers

I tried merging with Debian, but this has been FTBFS for a fair while
and removed from testing a while ago. I gave up after some 20 minutes
too, and now just removed the package as there are no reverse

> gcompris - Needs sync

Done by Timo.

> swac-get - unsure of next step due to version numbers

Not sure why this is on the list -- I see no gstreamer dependency

> swac-play - Remove from archive? -


> gstreamer0.10-nice -> libfarstream-0.1-0 -> telepathy-qt5?
>    -
> 3 for one (at least to drop from main)

This is a bit messy -- t-qt5 is an Ubuntu specific split, and neither
t-qt nor t-qt5 have been updated recently. Aside from a Debian
packaging quirk this should mostly be a sync. I put packages into, testing appreciated!

> libgstreamermm-0.10-2
> This should have been autoremoved?

There are no auto-removals in Ubuntu, just some assisted manual
procedure which is painfully slow and apparently not being done any
more at all.

> gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse -
> Both Ubuntu and Xubuntu restricted extras depends on gst0.10 which
> doesn't make any sense.

Fixed restricted-extras, removed gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse.

> rhythmbox-radio-browser - Remove from archive
> -


> gm-notify - just found, not sure yet.

Eww -- there is not a single dependency of that which is *not*
obsolete (pygtk, GTK 2, python-indicate, gconf, gstreamer 0.10, not
even mentioning Python 2 itself), and there's no way that this still
works properly. Removed.

> Thoughts on trying to remove gstreamer0.10 all for Xenial?

Yes please :-)

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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