Upgrade 15.04: login impossible and lost of crypted home eCryptfs

Xavier Guillot Valeryan_24 at laposte.net
Thu Jun 4 05:36:39 UTC 2015


I'm not sure this list is the best place to post this, because I don't 
know if my case is related to a known systemd or ecryptfs-utils bug like:

So excuse me if not, but here is my best chance to get an help for 
specialists or developpers. If I have to open a bug on Lauchpad, please 
tell me.

I've a big problem since the update of my mobile PC on Ubuntu Vivid.

It's a computer with double boot: original W8 that I almost never use + 
Ubuntu installed just after the first start 1,5 or 2 years ago.

I choosed the option "crypted home" at time of installation.

Previous updates (for example 14.10) were without any problem, but here 
2 weeks ago, when I did 15.04 upgrade, big fear on restart: impossible 
to login, nor to get via LiveCD my datas on encrypted partitions !

Please see the explaining screenshots there (to avoid surcharging list):

Classic start (SystemD) :
Computers runs a long time on the purple startup screen before always 
and only switching to "Emergency mode". If I get journalctl -xb :

Some disks appear 2 times in the "sysfs paths", for others there is 
"time-out" or dependency fails (home), sometimes date of last superblock 
mount is in the future (sda 9).

Startup with advanced options: Upstart
Home and my backup partition not mounted, ignored, connection possible 
in guest mode with all the installed programs.
But of course no access to my user datas.

If I select my session (Xavier) and enter my password, it comes again 
immediately on the lightdm login screen.

Startup in recovery mode:
I well get the list of commands, but none is useful.

Startup on LiveCD:
OK, but once on the live session, my crypted paritions are not detected 
(see Gparted screenshot), so impossible to decrypt with login passphrase 
to at least copy all the files...

I see the system folder "/" and another not protected + Windows 
partitions, but /home and Backup partition (sda 7 et 8) are of "Unknown 
type" and I can't mount nor see them in Nautilus.

I can't use eCryptfs to get back the mount passphrase then view content 
of /home/.ecryptfs/xavierg/.Private and save all the datas before 
reinstalling completely Ubuntu.

On the LiveCD I also edited crypttab and fstab: for the last one there 
are strange lines - an unknown UUID (a195b8f9-...) that appears nowhere 
in Gparted, numbers of sda disks not the same as original ones, swap 
line was with #. I tried to restore (the screenshot shows the 2 
following fstab) and modify it, it's fstab2: my 2 crypted partitions 
should be sda7 (the /home normally, UUID=e727496a...) and sda8 
(UUID=6177e409-...) but it didn't change nor solve anything.

I'm sure (I hope so) that, as the partitions are there, even crypted, 
datas are still available, but I can't succeed to mount them.

So I'm lost. Fortunately half (and most important / recent) of my datas 
were saved on a cloud (with EncFS) and are at least on 2 other 
computers, but other half no - this is a good lesson for me, I know we 
have to backup daily, and I procrastinated.

Good news: I could verify surely that, if I get my mobile PC lost or 
stolen, my files and mails are well protected and not accessible for 
everyone, that's one (only) positive point...

If someone has an idea to solve this situation, thanks in advance !

Best regards,

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