Call for testing: GTK 3.15.4

Iain Lane laney at
Fri Feb 6 17:22:35 UTC 2015

Desktop fans,

We're thinking about having the released version of GTK3 in 15.04 be
3.16, which is the current in-development version to be released towards
the end of March.

This version contains lots of cool stuff

but the main motivation from our side is that it contains an
implementation of overlay scrollbars that will allow us to remove our
existing GTK module which is becoming harder and taking longer to
maintain over time.

Please test the versions I've just uploaded to the Ubuntu desktop PPA


and let me know if you see any new bad behaviour not mentioned below or
if you have any good reason we might not want to do this.

Some known issues which we'll try to fix for the release:

  - There's a black notification shown in the greeter
  - Not all apps have overlay scrollbars (devhelp, gnome-terminal, ...)
  - gnome-terminal shrinks to 1x1 sometimes (cherry-pick
    07fe194eb60aa9ec2eacdafdb4ba6ac91a636f34, but we suspect this may be
  - Overlay scrollbars aren't styled like ours were
  - They hide completely when inactive, meaning that you don't know how
    far you've scrolled


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
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