Should "Delete recent history" in Privacy settings also delete thumbnails?

Gokul Kartha gogul.kartha at
Mon Jan 20 07:12:59 UTC 2014

On Sunday, January 19, 2014, Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:

> On 19 January 2014 11:33, Adam Dingle <adam at<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'adam at');>
> > wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad <
>> joerlend.schinstad at <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
>> 'joerlend.schinstad at');>> wrote:
>> In the Privacy settings, you can choose not to store things you do in
>> Zeitgeist or you can delete entries based on time, such as delete all
>> entries from the last hour. However, this does not delete associated
>> thumbnails.
>> Would it make sense that if you've chosen not to log a specific
>> directory, then thumbnails also aren't saved to ~/.cache/thumbnails/ and if
>> you delete past history, then the thumbnails for those files are also
>> deleted from the cache?
>> Yes, I think that makes sense and I agree that users would probably
>> assume that this is the case already.  Someone else has noticed this in
>> comment 10 at this bug:
>>  adam
> That's interesting. Thanks for the reference. I'm not entirely sure
> libgnomeui and eog are the right packages for this bug though. I'd rather
> connect it to thumbnailers such as totem-thumbnailer, Unity Control Center
> and possibly Zeitgeist. After all, this might be a useful feature in most
> cases where Zeitgeist is used for this.
> In any case, it seems obvious to me that the thumbnailer
> (totem-thumbnailer in our case) should be connected to this bug. Because if
> you don't want thumbnails for a specific directory, then you certainly want
> to first create them and then delete. Perhaps you might want the
> thumbnailer to create the thumbnails in the specified directory and then
> create links for them in ~/.cache/thumbnails/? It probably wouldn't solve
> the problem entirely, but it would certainly be a step in the right
> direction.
> Perhaps at a later time, folder encryption could be added, which would be
> nice.

Sent from iPhone
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