"you can't catch me" notifications

Cameron Whiting thetoxicarcade at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 14:32:02 UTC 2014

I'm unsure if I should have opened this can of worms, half the time it's
forwards and half the time it's staying put.

I guess we should bank on the human side, we're not slapping their hand
saying this is how to be productive, they're capable of making decisions.
Seems like there's a workaround almost, so I'll use that.

I loved the discussion, whether or not anything happens for various
reasons. I really jabbed a different idea pretty alarmingly into an old way
of thinking about things, maybe from your perspective it's a better way?
Or, Maybe I lack experience and should let the designers play with the
users how they please

Considering I don't do anything other than complain

I'm seeing beautiful progress with vivid <3

Love you all, you're wonderful.
And stuff.
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