Ubuntu and a screenreader

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 18 10:59:07 UTC 2013

On 18/10/13 01:29, tapper wrote:
> hi what's going on with the new Ubuntu:  can i as a blind computer 
> user install it with speech. are you going to update the wiki or even 
> do a blog post about it. i will be very happy if you can get back to 
> me and let me no as win 8 is a pile! thanks Tapper
sorry, it is dreadful to install at the moment, there are about 7 dots 
at the bottom of the ubiquity installer, each one isn't really a dot, it 
is a progress bar with zero length, this means that every page of the 
installer will read out loads of progress bar statuses
You can fight your way through this, but it is hard. Hopefully 14.04 
will be installable as an LTS.


I work at http://libertus.co.uk

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