Epiphany 3.10 landed sans title bar

Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Mon Dec 23 11:53:24 UTC 2013

On 23/12/13 22:38, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
> <fitoschido at gmail.com> wrote:
>> And what about Compiz/Unity? Do CSD apps behave well? (i.e. they
>> integrate window buttons to Unity’s panel when maximized, etc.?
> Let me summarize the current issues with new GNOME apps on Ubuntu Desktop:
> - Close button on right
>      I've just pushed a (trivial) fix for this to
> lp:~mitya57/ubuntu-themes/headerbar-fix.
fwiw, That is gone in 3.12, where they are now using gtksettings, 
however it looks you like you can completely remove the close button 
using this setting if you wanted.
>      Will make a merge proposal soon.
> - Text labels in headerbars look bad (i.e. the channel name in Polari)
>      Needs investigating.
> - Close button should be hidden for maximized windows
>      Should be fixable by patching Gtk — looks like Tim is going to look at that.
I am looking into hiding the close button altogether and bringing the 
traditional titlebar back, probably via a theme setting (for ubuntu), we 
are quite happy sticking with upstream designs for Ubuntu GNOME.
> - In environments that don't support AppMenu (i.e. GNOME Flashback)
> there are two toolbars
>      Will be fixed in Gtk 3.12 (see
> https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=2863bb287cdd65).
>      Maybe we can cherry-pick that.
> After all these issues are resolved, we can stop patching apps to
> remove headerbar usage. (For the apps in the default install, we want
> consistency and useful global menu, so we will continue using old UI
> there).
There will still be patching of apps for 3.10, like I said previously 
not all apps are using GtkHeaderBar yet.
> --
> Dmitry Shachnev

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