Epiphany 3.10 landed sans title bar

Kai Mast mail at kai-mast.de
Sun Dec 22 22:56:15 UTC 2013

On 12/22/2013 11:53 PM, Marco Trevisan wrote:
> What about patching gtk itself so that GtkHeaderBar is rendered in a
> different way here? I've only read the API, so I'm not familiar with the
> actual code, but wouldn't be possible to find a generic way to hide the
> close, title and subtitle elements (and handling in a different way the
> other eventual packed elements) in ubuntu desktop for the other apps
> that aren't in archives (i.e. I guess people will provide PPAs for some
> gnome apps in next months/years, it would be nice to handle these in a
> more native way)?

That sounds like a very good idea. Such a patch may even be upstreamed
as this would be useful for other platforms (OSX, Windows..) too.

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