Update on the new ibus-1.5 and gnome-settings-daemon gnome-control-center 3.6 situation

Ma Xiaojun damage3025 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 17:49:22 UTC 2012

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:47 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Do you have a list of the features that are missing in the 1.5 update? Is
> that mostly the "input method per win" option? I will try to resume/continue
> the GNOME upstream discussion on the topic

Yes, mostly the "input method per win" option. But also something
related to layout handling, since the model is changed.

> Well, I don't either and we lack people in the team we do, still we need to
> maintain need so I'm trying to understand where we stand. I'm not using ibus
> but reading bugs and discussions from users and ibus maintainers in other
> distributions I got the feeling that 1.5 was a problematic version ... isn't
> that true?

I use 1.4 now since I'm using Ubuntu.

I saw three kinds of issues in upstream tracker (I guess I skimmed
every open issue on that tracker):
1. Oops! The IM state become global. (We already discussing this.)
2. Oops! My layout setting is overwritten by IBus.
( This is due to the fact that the way of layout handing is changed,
but there maybe some UI addition needed to make things more friendly.
3. Other random issues that is probably packaging issues.

> Right, we don't though, we lack people knowing it and we are stuck in
> "trying to understand what change between ibus-1.4 and GNOME 3.4 and
> ibus-1.5 and GNOME 3.6" to see if the update is something we should do or if
> it's problematic enough that we should hold back on it until we get some of
> the issues resolved (that also requires to understand what the issues are
> and engage with those upstream about getting them resolved)

Is AWASHIRO Ikuya's above mentioned commands sufficient enough to see
what would be the final result?

> Is that the only thing missing in GNOME 3.6 keyboard handling from your
> perspective?

1. Lack of IM switching OSD, GNOME people say 3.8
2. Filtering of available input methods:

> What's the issue with the IBus indicator? It's basically an equivalent of
> the upstream GtkStatusIcon as an Indicator. Is your comment based on the
> open bug that the icon fail to load in some cases for some users or do you
> know of other issues?

No, they are not equivalent.

You may check my videos, total length 7 minutes to see why they are
different, the versions involved are vanilla 1.4.2 and Ubuntu 1.4.1,
both in 12.10

I will report/reuse a bug later.

> We neither have a blueprint nor a code repository for the new indicator no
> ... reasons include that we are just starting looking at ibus 1.5 and that
> we lack people with enough knowledge about the domain to design a proper
> solution. Our first iteration would probably to keep following what ibus
> upstream is doing with their icon just using an indicator, that's assuming
> that the IBus upstream know enough about IBus and its users to come with an
> useful UI (if IBus upstream doesn't know how IBus is used we have other
> issues...)

You may check how 1.5 icon looks like in GNOME Shell by following picture.
Probably we just whitelist it?

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