Accessibility always on in GNOME 3.6.

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Fri Jun 22 08:25:22 UTC 2012

Le 22/06/2012 00:52, Luke Yelavich a écrit :
> I welcome further thoughts and discussion. If we decide to carry these changes from upstream, I'll make sure relevant patches are sent to our own projects, unity et al to work with these new changes, and will make sure to have the new atk-bridge library available ASAP when it is released, since GTK and GNOME shell will depend on it.

So I've read the bug upstream and I'm not sure how they are addressing 
the performances concerns, is the bottom line there "gtk3 has no 
performance issues, a11y will not be turned on for gtk2 but only for 
gtk3"? If that's the case, what does it mean for gtk2 applications? Do 
we get part of the desktop accessible and some other parts not? Do 
firefox and libreoffice use enough gtk to rely on the a11y to be turned 
on in gtk2 to be accessible in an usable way?

Out of those questions I'm fine with follow upstream's lead there, we 
should just make sure it lands early so we have time to test and have a 
plan B to disable it again by default if that turns out creating too 
much issues.

Sebastien Bacher

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