a dream

Alex Schoof alex.schoof at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 19:23:38 UTC 2012

The super key already opens the dash. Hit super. Then type sett. Then down.
Then enter.

Hold control and press s to save.

-- Alex
On Jan 28, 2012 2:16 PM, "Pedro Bessa" <pedbessa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ubuntu team and community,
> we have to make using the keyboard a pleasing experience.
> I thought about creating a shortcut for Dash, for Ubuntu Software Store,
> for System Settings, but I quickly run into conflicts. If CTRL+S is save,
> what is System Settings? So we have to go like the emacs way, but better.
> We hit ctrl once, but we don't hold ctrl, because that toggles on keyboard
> shortcut mode.
> Calm down! When we hit s, we see save. When we hit c, we see copy. When we
> hit f, we see find. It's all there, the old shortcuts.
> Going back, we hit ctrl once, then we type Ubu, then see what we're
> typing, then see Ubuntu One and Ubuntu Software Center, then hit down, then
> Ubuntu Software Center is selected, then hit enter, then Ubuntu opens
> Ubuntu Software Center for us.
> That's very expressive, so that is very good, because we need to express
> intent.
> What do you say?
> Best regards,
> Pedro Bessa
> --
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