It's time to jettison CCSM

Alan Bell alanbell at
Thu Jan 26 17:21:31 UTC 2012

On 26/01/12 16:28, Jorge O. Castro wrote:
> - It's possible to accidentally uncheck the Unity plugin, breaking the
> user's desktop.
Maybe make it a bit harder to do that, principally by removing the 
depends on largedesktop. The reason people uncheck unity by accident is 
because they want to turn on the cube. I think if you just drop the 
depends line then it won't disable unity when you change your workspace 
switcher from wall to the cube. If you uninstall wall and cube then the 
workspace switcher stops working which is logical enough. If you want to 
make it impossible to disable unity then you can probably do that

The suggestion to drop ccsm as a whole does feel a bit like "Unity 
doesn't work right with other plugins, lets get rid of all the others" 
when educating Unity to play nice with it's friends would be a much 
better solution.


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