Fwd:Ubuntu, please don't waste time on upgrading your flashy & silly themes, desktop-effects!

A. James Lewis james at fsck.co.uk
Tue Feb 14 17:27:25 UTC 2012

Well said.

I took 1 look at Unity in 11.04 and I decided to stay with Gnome 2.0...
but once Gnome 3 came out and 11.10, I ran them both on different
machines at home and at work... and now, I find myself preferring Unity
over either Gnome 3.x or Gnome 2.x.  I NEVER expected that to be the
case, I find I need to adjust a few settings (the default icon size is
too large for my taste)... but I really find it to be a pleasant system
to use.

I've got a machine running 12.04 alpha now too, and you can see
improvements all over the place... 12.04 will be great, and I don't see
what the issue is that is causing people not to see the potential in Unity.


On 13/02/12 19:14, David Klasinc wrote:
>> _Ubuntu,Please listen to us. The voice from users! _
> Dear The Voice [1],
> I've read your posts and I tried really hard to make out what are you
> trying to tell us. I really did. It seems to me that you are generally
> displeased with Ubuntu.
> Other than that, you generated a lot of noise and made much ado about
> nothing. I don't like peanut butter and you don't see me writing emails
> to peanut butter companies telling them that their products taste awful
> and that they should really make something like Nutella.
> If you have something meaningful to add, to criticize or to tell Ubuntu
> developers, please do, by all means. Make a list of specific things that
> are bothering you and present them in a civilized way to the relevant
> people.
> You indeed have this option and there are numerous ways on how you can
> do this, but please, be brief and be specific. When you say: "I don't
> like Ubuntu." Nobody, without a crystal ball or a pack of fortune
> tellers cards, can't really tell what is bothering you.
> I do apologize for the rant, but this thread isn't upsetting just my
> mailbox, it reached my bowels. :/
> Regards,
> David
> [1] - addressed to the original poster, but for everyone who _knows_
> that Unity sucks and they _know_ everybody is running away from Ubuntu.

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