PiTiVi in Ubuntu 11.10 and beyond

Chris Coulson chrisccoulson at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 2 19:31:45 UTC 2011

On 02/09/11 20:00, Jeff Fortin wrote:
>> The pitivi team just got a new version out with quite some nice
>> changesin it and said they would do the glade to gtkbuilder
>> conversion thiscycle, that seems enough material to revisit the
>> decision later if thenew version is proving to be solid and the
>> gtkbuilder switch get done sowhat people think of keeping pitivi on
>> by default until before beta anddiscuss what we do in a desktop team
>> meeting then?
> Hi, we're about to release a new version (hopefully this week-end) and
> I was wondering if you folks had any special requirements. The last
> time we talked with people from Ubuntu we learned that you are very
> careful about saving space on the install CD, so to make pitivi fit we
> migrated from libglade to gtkbuilder, got rid of the gconf dependency
> (maybe some other things too, I forget), and I implemented a
> soft-dependency manager so most remainings deps are optional.
> We haven't heard from the Ubuntu/Canonical folks at all since I asked
> on this mailing list in May. I've been subscribed to this mailing list
> and haven't seen further discussions on revisiting the decision to
> include pitivi or not... and I couldn't get a hold of you on IRC when
> I publicly asked the question a couple of times. We're completely in
> the dark here. Can we have a status update with any outstanding issues
> you may have?


Sebastien is on vacation this week and I'm not sure if he is checking
e-mails. I'm not in a position to give you an authoritative answer on
this, but PiTiVi was mentioned briefly in our desktop team meeting last
week - see
http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/08/23/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t15:54. The
consensus seemed to be that we would revisit the decision at UDS.

Sorry I can't give you a more definitive answer.

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