[Desktop12.04-Topic] Improved screen locking, user switching

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Tue Oct 11 12:15:14 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

Sebastien Bacher wrote on 10/10/11 10:53:
> Le mardi 04 octobre 2011 à 11:07 +0200, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
>> we should improve the screen locking
> On that topic something which comes often is when to lock screen,
> we should do a table listing the different cases where the screen
> might get locked (i.e on idle delay, suspend, lid close, user
> switching, etc) and the different credential scenarios (i.e
> autologin, password login, etc).
> ...

Excellent idea. More than that, I suggest that we should have a living
specification for sessions in general. For each of

    {start up, log in with password, log in automatically, lock screen
    manually, lock screen automatically, unlock, switch user account,
    log out, suspend, hibernate, restart, shut down},

we should define how that function is made available (or not), looks,
behaves, and fails gracefully, for

    {a standard user account, an admin account, a guest session, a
    live/test-drive session}.

That way we can ensure everything is consistent, and we can comprehend
the whole scope when we make functional changes. (For example, if in
future we added a "Restart Into Windows" function for dual-booting,
specifying it for all those cases would make both the design and the
implementation more robust.)

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