the average rating problem

Pedro Bessa pedbessa at
Thu Nov 24 10:44:17 UTC 2011

The people who install a software think the software's description goes 
towards their objectives. If the software does what its author says that 
it does extremely well, those people rate it 5. I see lots of software 
whose description doesn't even go towards my objective, but are still 
rated 5. I mean, software that I'm not interested in using above 
software that I'm interested in using in the lists. That's really weird!

We must keep track of usage interest. If a software is read by 100 
people and 90 from among them choose to install it, that means 90% are 
interested in using it.

To keep track of what apps were read, we can 1: mark read, mark unread, 
save marks, load marks.
To keep track of what apps were read, we can 2: don't show more than one 
app at the same time, show mini description, expand to full description, 
collapse to mini description and a link to the next app in the current 

In my opinion, 2 is better than 1.

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