Closer Unity

Didier Roche didrocks at
Thu Nov 24 09:06:49 UTC 2011

Le 24/11/2011 02:23, Davor a écrit :
> Keyboard shortcuts have recently been the subject of discussion after 
> the statement that unity requires "heavy mouse use". After few days i 
> must agree.
> In Gnome menu you needed 2 clicks and few seconds to start any 
> application - Unity takes clicks and time.
> You cannot put all of them into launcher (you can - know 
> what i mean).
> And there are some of them, not very suitable for launcher, that i 
> frequently use like gedit, calculator, or terminal and things like 
> program killer.
> 1.
> I'm not too enthusiastic about using the keyboard shortcuts for two 
> major reasons:
> - it is not convenient for touch screens
> - if I have to use two hands for keyboard shortcut, I must let go the 
> mouse and take my eyes off the screen
> Mouse is much more appropriate for gui navigation.
> As an inveterate Opera user I recalled mouse gestures: 
> Maybe something like that could bring Unity closer to users.
> There is middle click unused. Or Right doubleclick. Or holding left, 
> and then right click - and variations. Then combine it with scroller. 
> Separate behaviours in empty space and window area or launcher area.
> There should be easy mouse gesture for workspace switcher, windows 
> switcher and other window controls. Show desktop (and restore windows 
> on same gesture) too.
> Can window be grabbed with mouse and throwed onto next workspace?
> 2.
> But that does not solves quicker application access. There are not two 
> panels anymore, so i suggest CUSTOM DASH. Holder where you can put 
> your application starters "not very suitable for launcher"(like 
> gedit), indicators (wheather, system, classic menu), favourite folders 
> shortcuts and files you`re currently working on.
> Custom dash should be very easily started with mouse from window or 
> empty area or from launcher.
> Starters, files and folders should have right click option "add to 
> custom dash" (or magic dash or...) - which opens custom dash with 
> desired shortcut ready on mouse cursor, so you can place it where you 
> want it.
> It could be transparent area like dash is, that opens in window -not 
> full screen- so when you leave that area it closes down (no need for 
> two clicks if you change your mind).
> 3.
> Settins are now in one place, and i like it...
> ...but i don`t think they belong in launcher - they should be part of 
> dash (below with home, apps, files and music).

Hey Davor,
It's true that if you don't use the keyboard for searching, unity 
requires quite some additional clicks (right now, this will get better 
in Precise) to geet what you want. However, this mean that you never 
search on the web to get an information and don't use the keyboard as well?

Anyway, this kind of design discussion should rather happens on the 
ayatana mailling list, where the unity designers are:
I invite you to post your thread there as well to reach the relevant 
people :)

Thanks for your feedback,
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