Default Music Player in Ubuntu 12.04

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at
Tue Nov 22 07:34:02 UTC 2011

On 22/11/2011 05:23, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
>> Most importantly, we need to be having more constant and constructive
>> dialogs with upstreams throughout the whole cycle and not just at
>> application selection time (actually in this case there has been very
>> poor communcation with upstream even since the discussion).
> Right, that requires somebody from the distribution is feeling "in charge of the
> software" and is representing the distribution view though. I don't want to
> dismiss anyone from the desktop group but nobody looking at GNOME or Unity has
> been watching on the media players this cycle, the work has been mainly done by
> you and some of the other Debian pkg-mono people, I'm not sure how the group is
> feeling like an active part of Ubuntu and representing the opinions and issues
> there, or how much the group is focussing on Debian and considering their
> derivates as well?
> I don't mean to offence anyone there, but the question is to know if somebody is
> feeling like in charge of banshee in Ubuntu and representing Ubuntu views, or if
> the people maintaining it are cross Debian,Ubuntu groups with a focus on Debian
> (in which case we might need somebody on the Ubuntu side as we do for i.e GNOME)?

I've been in charge of Banshee in both Debian and Ubuntu for the past few
cycles. My focus is on both equally, but considering most of my bugs come from
Launchpad, most of my time is spent on Banshee in Ubuntu instead. I just make
sure that fixes go up to Debian as well.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "representing Ubuntu views" though.
If you mean representing Ubuntu when speaking to upstream, I handle that, except
for the UbuntuOne Music Store, where the UbuntuOne team talks to Banshee
upstream directly.

>>   Using the
>> promise of being on or threat of being removed from the install to
>> cudgel projects into the direction you want is not very satisfactory.
> That's not really what happened, if that was the case we would have come with a
> list of "you should be looking at those if you want to stay on the CD". While it
> would make sense to tell upstream what we like or dislike about their software,
> I'm not sure we should try to "use" our position to demand things to be done or
> fixed for us. I would feel uncomfortable telling any upstream "you should fix
> those bugs or your software will be out of the CD", while in practice it's true
> that some issues lead us to decide what to ship or not.

It would be nice for those issues to be communicated to the downstream
maintainers at least in some form or another.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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