Suggest fixing the skip-keys in Totem.

Emilio López buhitoescolar at
Sun May 15 14:57:36 UTC 2011

El 15/05/11 09:16, Jo-Erlend Schinstad escribió:
>  From time to time, I hear people complain about the keyboard shortcuts
> to skip back and forth in Totem. I have to say, it took me quite some
> time to get used to it, and just now, someone said they wanted to
> switch to VLC because of it.
> As a reminder, here are the shortcuts I'm talking about: (from
> Left arrow: Go back 15 seconds
> Right arrow: Go forward 60 seconds
> Shift+Left arrow: Go back 5 seconds
> Shift+Right arrow: Go forward 15 seconds
> Ctrl+Left arrow: Go back 3 minutes
> Ctrl+Right arrow: Go forward 10 minutes
> These doesn't make much sense to me. It's nice that we can modify the
> skip using shift and control, but why doesn't left and right
> correspond?
Correspond to what? While I agree that using shift and control might be 
strange for a newcomer, I think left and right are the obvious keys for 
back/forward. Doesn't every player on Earth use those?
> I think Totem would be a more user friendly mediaplayer if
> these keys were given slightly more "intuitive" values.
Can you suggest a better key set? I can't think of any, except using 
only left/right with a 'long press to accelerate' feature or something 
like that.


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