Call for Natty Feedback!

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Mar 2 10:33:57 UTC 2011

Le mardi 01 mars 2011 à 16:18 -0500, Sean McNamara a écrit :
> Hi,


> 1. It's too difficult to get the menu along the left to appear when I
> want it to, but it's all too easy to get it to stay when I want it to
> go away. I'm always fighting with it: sometimes I want to do something

The "menu" you are talking about is probably the bar on the left, it's
called the "launcher", and yes the behaviour is still being tweaked, it
only shows now when hitting the corner for example. You might want to
use ccsm to tweak the unity settings and turn autohidding off if you
would prefer to get it to stay on screen

> experience shouldn't lag. At all. But with Unity, I get substantial
> performance problems, especially scrolling the browser and task
> switching -- it's "jittery". Compiz seems fine when running with
> gnome2.

That's a bit weird since unity is using compiz, it's just adding some
extra bits to what is displayed, could you open a bug on launchpad so it
gets tracked?

> left alone in the app. Having the menu fail to appear at all is a
> showstopper, and asking all applications to change to be compatible is
> simply not going to be a solution.

Right, we are trying hard to fix issues as they are raised, could you
open bugs against "indicator-appmenu" in launchpad for all buggy cases
you run into?

> 5. Stability has been poor in my experience; I run into X crashes from
> time to time doing fairly mundane stuff that doesn't trigger a crash
> with Gnome2.

X crashing is usually an xorg issue and you should report bugs as well

> for now, it is not really usable, and causes too much frustration for
> me to even test it. I am much happier with the UI reverted to the way
> it was in 10.10.

Could you try again with this week update? Lot of crashers have been
worked and fixed in unity and the indicator stack recently, have
specific about your menu or crash issues would help to get those nailed

> resistance's sake, because they like the way things are, and because
> they are already habituated on the existing Gnome 2 UI patterns.
> Asking users to learn something new (or worse, something new and
> buggy) is more than likely going to result in users switching distro
> to Kubuntu, OpenSUSE or Fedora.

That's not really an argument, kubuntu is a different desktop and will
be different from GNOME, other distribution will be switching to
gnome-shell by default this year and it's further away from the standard
GNOME ui that the current unity interface is.

Sebastien Bacher

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