Status update for the maverick applications selection

A. James Lewis james at
Sun Sep 12 15:09:27 BST 2010

I don't see how Banshee can be simply dropped in to replace Rhythmbox in
Ubuntu when it still does not recognise the same albumsort tag as used
by rhythmbox.  I asked about this on the Banshee list 2 years ago, and
was told that Rhythmbox tags are wrong and I just need to retag 10's of
thousands of existing files.... this is not practical/acceptable to me
and I don't see how it will be to anyone else!

I tested the latest Banshee in Maverick, and I still see 20 or 30 copies
of the same album with 1 track in each... exactly the situation I
pointed out before and was simply told to "go away".,,.,

Can someone tell me what has changed?


On Sun, 2010-09-12 at 15:57 +0200, Didier Roche wrote:
> Hey, some updates on banshee status in UNE as OMGUbuntu is quicker than
> I to send an formal email :)
> (
> Le mercredi 25 août 2010 à 15:19 +0200, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
> > The desktop team has been revisiting the applications selection changes
> > discussed at UDS, this email has a summary of the changes which have
> > done or delayed to next cycle
> > 
> > The corresponding blueprints:
> >
> >
> […]
> > 
> > * Banshee by default on UNE
> > 
> > It was decided to use banshee by default on UNE this cycle. Didier
> > worked on the required change but the promotion is still blocker by the
> > switch to udev which didn't land yet. That should be in an upstream
> > tarball next week. We would normally postpone that change to next cycle
> > on the desktop but we have a bit of extra flexibility on UNE so we will
> > still try to get that change in next week when Didier is back.
> > 
> After a period of testing the new banshee actively with upstream and
> debian coordination, the desktop team decided to not set banshee as
> default for the netbook edition :
> - we have still some pending issues like integration with the soundmenu
> which is not currently working
> - the ubuntu one integration isn't as optimal as it could (it was just
> fixed some hours ago). That's something the u1 team and desktop team
> should work next cycle on. (like activating the mp3 support as in
> rhythmbox before buying the first song, having the "bough on u1" entry…)
> - it's very very late for this kind of change, we need better testing
> time on large scale for a longer period of time. Especially with the hal
> -> udev switch, making a new code path to test and supporting those new
> devices fully will take more time than few weeks (some issues like 
> can
> appears.
> - introducing it now as default is also unknown in regard to CD size and
> such adjustment are too close to the maverick release.
> Just note that upstream worked very hard and in an active way on that. I
> want to particularly thanks Alan McGovern, Alex Launi, and Nathan
> McCallum for porting banshee from hal to udev. They did a fantastic job
> and are very nice people to work with. I also
> want to thank the #debian-cli guys for their wonderful work (in rush
> time!) and OMG
> Ubuntu for the call for testing.
> So we just deferred banshee by default for this cycle. Natty should see
> the release of a complete banshee switch by default and a full testing
> cycle
> for the netbook edition.
> Banshee will still be available from universe with an up-to-date and
> good release for anyone wanting to use it in maverick.
> Didier

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