Nothing happens when pressing CD tray eject button

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Sat Jan 30 08:05:38 GMT 2010

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 09:35:18AM +0200, Mikko Ohtamaa wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I stopped thinking why nothing happens when you press the
> (physical) eject key of CD tray (Karmic Koala)
> 1. Physical CD eject button does nothing - no feedback. Actually I
> thought my eject button was broken.
> 2. However, Nautilus can eject CD just fine if I press Eject in Nautilus
> Because of (2) there must be no reason why eject by physical button
> could not be the same as eject by Nautilus.
> What is the project this kind of bug belongs to? I think this falls to
> gray area where one should actually catch CD eject button press in
> somewhere and have handler in Nautilus for it. Also, do you think this
> should be nominated to a papercut?

I investigated and wrote about this issue (and its various permutations)
last year:

It's really irritating.

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