Looking for mentor for Desktop Tutorial Creation application.

Anirudh anirudh at anirudhsanjeev.org
Mon Apr 5 22:52:53 BST 2010


I've been working on some tools to improve the process of creating and
sharing _Learning Material_ for Linux. I am looking to continue this under the
guise of a GSoC project.

I've taken the liberty to sketch out in great detail what my project is
about, including detailed mockups and implementation details. It can be
viewed here:

A more condensed explanation is available from the slides of a talk I gave
a few weeks ago while looking for hackers in the university to join me:

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the idea, explanation, etc. If
you, or anyone you know would be willing to mentor me, that would be


Senior undergraduate student, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

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